8 Outstanding Videos to Spark Discussion about Neurodiversity with Students
The neurodiversity movement is happening right now. It’s exciting, invigorating, and gaining more and more momentum every day. But, what is the neurodiversity movement? Why do students need to know about it? How can we introduce students to the complex and sometimes...
11 Ways Chat GPT Can Help You Teach Argumentative Writing
Amanda Write Now · 66. 11 Ways ChatGPT Can Help You Teach Argumentative Writing It’s about time for teachers to start their opinion, persuasive, or argumentative writing units (depending on the grade you teach). Most teachers realize that sample sentences and...
My Best Ideas to Prevent Cheating with Chat GPT + How to Handle Plagiarism Suspects
Share Tweet Pin It Now that students have easy access to artificial intelligence chatbots like Chat GPT, teachers are pondering how to prevent students from using these tools to do their work for them. Cheating seems to be easier than ever these days....
7 Ways Chat GPT Will Impact Education Positively (2023)
Share Tweet Pin It In the last few weeks I’ve been playing with, talking to teacher friends, reading articles, and thinking about one thing… Chat GPT. I learned about this new AI tool in early December through a Facebook Group post that had...
28 Essential Strategies to Support Struggling Writers in the Secondary Classroom
Share Tweet Pin It Every classroom has struggling writers. There are many reasons young writers struggle during our writing units. They may feel overwhelmed, be uninterested, have writing skill deficits because of past experiences with writing,...
The Story of a Teacher Author’s Identity Crisis
I’ve learned and changed tremendously since the events of 2020-2021, you might even call what’s happened an identity crisis…I want to share this story here to make sense of everything for myself but also because I know there are many teachers out there...
6 Methods to Support Struggling Writers
751SharesShare Tweet Pin It Writing is such a critical subject to master. Students who have confidence and skills as writers have the potential to go far in education and life. But, writing is one of the toughest subjects to teach and one of the...