28 Essential Strategies to Support Struggling Writers in the Secondary Classroom
Share Tweet Pin It Every classroom has struggling writers. There are many reasons young writers struggle during our writing units. They may feel overwhelmed, be uninterested, have writing skill deficits because of past experiences with writing,...
Rethinking Writing Assessment with Equity in Mind
Share Tweet Pin It In this six-part series, I outline exactly how I’m rethinking my workshop classroom with an equity lens. You can find the other parts of this series here: Part 1: Rethinking Writing Workshop with Equity in Mind Part 2: Rethinking...
Rethinking Unit Design with Equity in Mind
Share Tweet Pin It In this six-part series, I outline exactly how I’m rethinking my workshop classroom with an equity lens. You can find the other parts of this series here: Part 1: Rethinking Writing Workshop with Equity in Mind Part 2: Rethinking...
Rethinking Conferencing with Equity in Mind
In this six part series I will outline exactly how I’m rethinking conferencing with an equity lens. Check out part 1 about rethinking writing workshop here. Check out part 2 about rethinking reading workshop here. Before getting started, we need to define workshop,...
Rethinking Reading Workshop with Equity in Mind
Share Tweet Pin It Part 1: Rethinking Writing Workshop with Equity in Mind Part 2: Rethinking Reading Workshop with Equity in Mind Part 3: Rethinking Conferencing with Equity in Mind Part 4: Rethinking Unit Design with Equity in Mind Part 5: Rethinking...
Rethinking Writing Workshop with Equity in Mind
Share Tweet Pin It Amanda Write Now · 56. Rethinking Writing Workshop With Equity In Mind Part 1: Rethinking Writing Workshop with Equity in Mind Part 2: Rethinking Reading Workshop with Equity in Mind Part 3: Rethinking Conferencing with Equity in Mind...
The Story of a Teacher Author’s Identity Crisis
I’ve learned and changed tremendously since the events of 2020-2021, you might even call what’s happened an identity crisis…I want to share this story here to make sense of everything for myself but also because I know there are many teachers out there...